2015 -16 5th Science Annualplan - Sreeja


Plant Life

  • Reproduction in plants- Understand and identify different methods of reproduction in plants such as from stem, roots, seeds, leaves and spores.
  • Seeds - Understand the structure of a seed and germination.
  • Dispersal of seeds- Understand the importance of seed dispersal and identify the agents of seed dispersal.
  • Uses of plants- Identify the uses of plants such as food crops, cash crops and for medicinal purposes

Changes around Us

  • Everything around us is changing- Identify different changes around us and list it out.
  • Classify the listed changes into slow and fast, reversible and irreversible changes
  • Physical and chemical changes- Understand why changes are classified as physical and chemical. List out examples for those.


Air and water

  • The earth is surrounded by air - Demonstrate air is present everywhere, understand moving air is wind
  • Layers of atmosphere - Understands the classification of different layers of atmosphere briefly.
  • Air is a mixture of various gases - Understand the different components of air such as different gases, moisture and pollutants.
  • Air pollution - Reviewing causes of air pollution and the effects of air pollution.
  • Water table - Reviewing the surface water content and the underground water
  • Potable water - Understand the characteristics of it and different technique to remove impurities from water to make it potable.
  • Water cycle - Understands the importance of water cycle in nature.

Animal Life

  • Habitats of animals - Understands what habitat is and identify different habitats.
  • Animals’ body have different kinds of covering - Identifying different body coverings of different animals and discuss about the advantages of them having different body covering in a particular habitat.
  • Adaptation - Understand and discuss the different adaptations of animals in different habitats.
  • Classification of animals - Classify animals into their different feeding habits.
  • Animals breathe (both in micro and macro world)- Understand briefly different breathing organs in different animals such as lungs, gills,cell membrane, skin etc
  • Animals movement (micro and macro world) - Understand briefly different locomotory organs different animals such as legs, wings, fins, body scales,cilia etc


Energy and Work

  • Work is done a force is used to move something - Understand energy is the ability to do any work.
  • Energy exists in different forms - Identifying different forms of energy such heat energy, energy stored in food (chemical energy), light energy etc.
  • Energy can change from one form to another - Understand and identify the energy conversion happens during photosynthesis. Find out the energy conversion happens during different changes such as burning candle, burning firewood, cooking food etc.
  • Machines make work easier - Understand the uses of simple machines in our daily life and

Our Environment

  • Environment and its components - Understands the biotic and abiotic components of our environment and their interdependencies.
  • Balance between components of the environment - Understand how producers, consumers and decomposers are essential part of our environment in order to have a sustainable life on earth.
  • Environmental pollution - understand how human intervention change the balance between biotic and abiotic components and became the cause of water, air, soil and noise pollutions.


Our Body

  • Cells and tissues - Understand cells, tissues and organ system briefly.
  • Skeletal system - understand the functions in general. understand the structure and functions of major parts of the skeletal system such as skull, backbone, rib cage, bones in arms and legs etc.
  • Joints are of different types - Understand the functions of hinge joint, ball and socket joint, pivot joint and gliding joint.

*Muscular system - Identify the different muscles in our body such as voluntary, involuntary and cardiac muscles and their functions.

  • Circulatory system - Understand different components of circulatory system such as heart, artery, vein and capillaries.
  • Heart - Understand how heart functions as a pump and structure of heart.
  • Blood circulation - Understand the importance of blood circulation.

Rocks and minerals

  • Rocks are formed in different ways - Understand different types of rocks and their formation
  • Rocks contain minerals and metals - Identify the different minerals in different rocks
  • Some rocks like gem stones are precious - Identifying gemstones are minerals and their uses.


Keeping warm

  • Heat is a energy you can feel - Identifying different ways of generating heat.
  • Heat can causes things to change - Identifying the changes (physical or chemical) caused by heat such as fermentation, germination etc
  • Flow of heat energy - Understand heat conduction through solids such as metals.
  • Heat production - understand and identify different methods to produce heat such as solar energy, chemicals, electricity etc.
  • Causes of fire and first aid - understand and identify different causes of fire, different methods to put out fire and safety rules.

Nervous system

  • Our senses and brain functions together - understand the role of brain interpreting the sensations received by the sense organs.
  • Parts of the nervous system - understand different parts of the nervous system.
  • Brain receive messages through nerves - understand different types of nerve cells and their function.
  • Sense organs - Understand the structure and functions of sense organs in brief.


The Moon

  • Moon does not produce light - Understand moon can reflect sunlight.
  • Phases of the moon - understand and identify different phases of the moon and th c
  • Shadows and eclipses - Understand solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
  • Artificial satellites - Understand what a satellite is, difference between natural and artificial satellite and uses of artificial satellite.

Electricity and Magnetism

  • Energy can change from one form to another - Understand the conversion of electrical energy into other forms of energy.
  • Conductors and insulators - Understand the difference between conductors and insulators.
  • Magnetism and its uses - Understand magnetic and non- magnetic substances, making a temporary magnet by rubbing a pin against a permanent magnet and uses of magnets.


Food and Health

  • Food is our main source of energy - Revise how food is our source of energy.
  • Food contains various nutrients - Understand different nutrients and their importance in our body.
  • Some diseases are caused by lack of nutrients in our food - Identify the diseases and prevention.
  • Preserving food - Understand the different techniques to preserve food.


  • Topic completion, incase if we are lagging
  • Projects on different selected topics by students


  • Field trips
  • Projects on different selected topics by students
  • making working models related to the topics that have transacted already


  • making working models related to the topics that have transacted already
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