6 Hindi Annualplan Banu

First Term : (June to September)

Chapter: 1

  • Man kay Bhole-bhole badal (Poem)
  • Listening: Listening to the poem, to the words, pronounce and repeat the words told.
  • Speaking: To speak in simple sentences about the poem read and to talk on a given topic.
  • Writing: To write about the poem in own words .Do the exercises given in the text.
  • Free writing will be done on the topics related to nature.
  • Grammar: nouns, verbs, sentences, adjectives, synonyms, opposites and paragraph.
  • Vocabulary: 10-20 words

Chapter: 2

  • Jaise sawal waisay jawab(Story)
  • listening: Listening to the story and follow instructions given.
  • Speaking: speak about the story .To talk about the given situation and should be able to express in own words.
  • Writing: story, reference to context, numbers and proverbs, vocabulary
  • Grammar: tenses, singular and plural and using proverbs and story comprehension.

Chapter -3 :Kirmich ki ghend:

  • Listening: Listening to conversation and understand the situation.
  • Speaking: to speak about the story heard and to imagine and talk about the topic.
  • Free writing- and writing about a topic that they would like to write.
  • Vocabulary: 15 words
  • Grammar: Imaginative writing, tenses, paragraph, numbers.

Chapter-4 : Kohi laghe mujhe dhey.(Poem)

  • Listening: to the poem and understanding the meaning and expression.
  • Speaking: About the poem and things that are used in the poem.
  • Writing: The poem and try to write their own poem.
  • Grammar: rhyming words.

Second Term: (October –December).

Chapter-5: Papa jab bachye the: (Descriptive writing)

  • Uljan( Poem) Cartoon Drawing and dialogue writing
  • Listening: To the writing and listen to the others reading.
  • Speaking: About the writing read and talks about their parents.
  • Writing: After interviewing their parents they would write, Exercises from the text.
  • Grammar: Relationships (Genders), relative pronouns.

Chapter:6: Dost khi poshakh:

  • Listening: listens when read and to follow the significance. To grasp the meanings words in context.
  • Speaking: To select appropriate words and phrases and sentences. To present in proper sequence.
  • Reading: To read aloud and to pronounce the words correctly, to maintain reasonable speed.
  • Writing: uses the words and varied sentences in writing and presents ideas logically.
  • Grammar: to use formats of composition like story, paragraph and dialogue.(Play)

Third Term: (January-March)

Chapter:9 Naseerudin ka nishaaana( folk story)

  • Listening: listens when read and to follow the significance. To grasp the meanings words in context.
  • Speaking: To select appropriate words and phrases and sentences. To talk in proper sequence.
  • Reading: To read aloud and to pronounce the words correctly, to maintain reasonable speed.
  • Writing: uses the words and varied sentences in writing and presents ideas logically.
  • Grammar: genders, joining of words, suffix and synonyms, story writing. Origami.

Chapter: 10 Dan ka hisaab (story)

  • Listening: listens when read and to follow the significance. To grasp the meanings words in context.
  • Speaking: To select appropriate words and phrases and sentences. To speak in proper sequence.
  • Reading: To read aloud and to pronounce the words correctly, to maintain reasonable speed.
  • Writing: uses the words and varied sentences in writing and presents ideas logically.
  • Grammar: genders, joining of words, suffix and synonyms, story writing. Sentences using words learnt.

Chapter: 11 Swatratha ki aur :

  • project work and presentation to assess reading, writing and speaking skills.
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